If you believe that civic participation is an essential element in the lives of well-rounded business leaders and engaged community members, please consider becoming a candidate for membership with Denton Lake Cities Rotary Club.
Consider Joining Rotary
Welcome to our Club!
Denton-Lake Cities

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 7:00 AM
Oakmont Country Club
1901 Oakmont Dr
Corinth, TX 76210
United States of America
Upcoming Events
Feb 18, 2025
Feb 25, 2025
Vocational Service
Click here to visit Vocational Service page
Our 2024 Vocational Award Recipients
  Chad Neely                      Paul Ramos 
    Denton Firefighter      Denton Police Officer
 of the Year                        of the Year
        Katie Roche           Medical City Denton   
Teacher                      Business 
of the Year                 of the Year
Congratulations to all! Thank you for serving our community.
Photo Albums
0 image(s)
Aug 08, 2024
0 image(s)
Aug 08, 2024
43 image(s)
Brian Glenn
Dec 16, 2022
10 image(s)
Aug 29, 2022
17 image(s)
John Smyers
Apr 25, 2022
6 image(s)
May 27, 2022
The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club provides dictionaries to 3rd graders in the Lake Cities area
Home Page Stories
Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club members partner with Young Men Service League Pacesetter Chapter from Flower Mound, Texas to build Greenhouse Tunnels at Shilo Gardens
This Greenhouse Tunnel is the first of three to be built.
Open House ceremony led by District Governor Andy Eads
Shilo Gardens serves the food insecure in our area. First, they can come out and reserve a plot at no cost and garden for themselves.  We have many families from around the world do that. Second, we distribute the produce to local food pantries and other nonprofits that feed people. In 2023, we distributed 66,000 pounds of produce and 3,600 dozen eggs (43,200 eggs if you are doing the math).  
Denton Lake City Rotarians deliver dictionaries to 3rd graders.
Thank you Denton - Lake Cities Rotary, a morning club, for providing our third graders with dictionaries! Mr. Becker and Mr. Davenport gave each third grader a dictionary Monday morning. They also spent time with them looking up new words and discovering all of the other tools in this fantastic dictionary!
Denton-Lake Cities Rotary proudly supports a Denton, Texas annual tradition with a $2,500 donation.
Denton's  Day of the Dead Festival is an inclusive, family-focused festival, celebrating culture and community, that pays homage to the many wonderful things the fall has to offer: the goodness of the harvest, the Dia de los Muertos holiday, and all things Halloween!
The Rotary Club of Denton Lake Cities proudly supports the UNT Rotaract Club with a $500 Donation.
Rotaract is for young professionals between the ages of 21 and 35. Rotaract clubs hold formal meetings in person or virtually, usually every two weeks, that feature speakers, special outings, social activities, discussions, or visits to other clubs. Club members gather for service project work, social events, or professional/leadership development workshops on designated days.
DLCRC members volunteered for the Rolling into Fall 2024 at the Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Bicycle Rally, on September 28th
Rotary members from Denton—Lake Cities Rotary, a morning club, supported the Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce in its Rolling into Fall Bike Rally on Saturday, September 28th. Denton—Lake Cities Rotary volunteered to donate their time and talent to assure riders had a fun and safe ride regardless of whether they were doing the 40, 30, 20, or 10-mile routes. In addition to our volunteers, our club joined organizations like Coserve as one of the event sponsors.
The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary club is happy to introduce newest member Wayne Hamit.
Wayne is a member of the SVI Technologies group in Corinth. He lives in Flower Mound, TX with his wife Waneta and family. Welcome to Rotary Wayne, you will be a wonderful asset to Rotary.
The Denton Lake Cities Rotary Club honors two very special people with Paul Harris Fellow recognition at their June 18, 2024 meeting.            
The Denton - Lake Cities morning club presented a Paul Harris Foundation Fellowship recognition to member Kelly Durbin. In Addition the club also recognized Russell Seymour who had a contribution to the Rotary Foundation made in his name for the many years he has volunteered his time (and truck) for our Flag program! Congratulations!
Six Fred Moore High School Interact Club seniors were awarded Scholarships from the Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club.
The following Fred Moore High School Interact Club students were awarded scholarships:
  • Adriana Victoria Ordaz is pursuing studies in Forensic Science at North Central Texas College
  • Ava Welch plans to study Medicine at North Central Texas College
  • Oliver Ortiz plans to study Electrical Systems at North Central Texas College.
  • Haley Deborah Bingaman will be studying Veterinary Technology at North Central Texas College
  • Kelee Marie Hamburg will be studying Animal Science at Texas A&M
  • Kimberly Moran will study Philosophy at North Central Texas College
Congratulations to all six Interact Club student recipients. The Scholarships were announced by DLCRC member Larry Tubbs at the May 21st Fred Moore High School Graduation ceremonies.
These Scholarships are for qualified class seniors from the DLCRC sponsored Interact Clubs at Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School.
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Interact Club members can connect with leaders in our community and around the world to:
  • Take action to make a difference in your school and community
  • Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
  • Become a leader in your school and community
  • Have fun and make new friends from around the world
Interact clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. As sponsors DLCRC Rotarians mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.
The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club is also offering Scholarship Opportunities for the Senior Class members of the two high schools where the clubs sponsor Interact Clubs; Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School. The Denton Lake Cities Rotary Club has been providing scholarship awards to graduating Seniors for years. We have given in excess $117,000 in awards over the past 13 plus years. The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club Vocation Committee members perform extensive work and effort to select the deserving students. The funds for these scholarships come primarily from Denton-Lakes Cities Rotary Club Flag program.
Graduating Senior Class members of the Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School can apply for the scholarships to be awarded at the Spring graduation ceremonies for each school. The club will also be awarding scholarships to selected graduating seniors at the Fall ceremonies. To apply for these scholarships, Interact Club member graduates from Fred Moore and Lake Dallas High Schools must obtain two letters of recommendation and complete the online application form by clicking here.
The highest form of recognition a Rotary Club can bestow is the Paul Harris Fellow.
The Paul Harris recipient goes above and beyond in serving our community through promoting change and understanding.
Several Paul Harris’ have been presented throughout our Club’s history to members and folks from various not-for-profit, community and business sectors. The Paul Harris Fellow Program was established by Rotary International in 1957 to show appreciation and recognize individuals who contribute, or have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation.
The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club is pleased to welcome newest member Kelly Durbin. 
Congratulations Kelly! You have been chosen to membership in this Rotary Club because our members believe you to be a leader in your vocation and because you manifest those qualities of head and of heart to impart the message of Rotary to those with whom you come in contact.
The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club invited guest speakers Dr. Shira Ackerman and Mathis Crowder to speak to us at our Dec. 6th meetng about Creating Young Minds.
Denton-Lake City Rotary members awarded their 1st Paul Harris Pin.
Donors of $1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, or the Humanitarian Grants program, or people who have that amount contributed in their name, can be recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Each new Paul Harris Fellow receives a commemorative certificate and a pin.
Congratulations to the Denton-Lake City Rotary Club members on receiving their first Paul Harris pin; Dave Becker, John Bell, Fritzi Francis, Jean Bush, Lisa Bonneau, Steven Goldston, and John Piper. 
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vocational Services
Club Service
International Service
Rotary Foundation
Immediate Past President
Youth Services
Flag Program
Home Page Links
Be sure to sign-in with your MyRotary account
Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club motto:
Small enough to Care, Big Enough to Make a Difference
Rotary is the world's oldest service club organization and our club (one of over 32,000 clubs worldwide) and its members are committed to service in the Denton, Corinth, Hickory Creek, Lake Cities and Shady Shores communities and internationally through various programs including those supporting our vocations and our youth. Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.