What is Vocational Service?
Vocational service calls on Rotarians to encourage and foster:
  • High ethical standards in business and professions
  • The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations
  • The dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society
By including men and women from diverse professions and backgrounds, Rotary recognizes the importance of all skills and occupations. A vibrant Rotary club reflects the businesses, organizations, and professions in its community, embracing diversity in experiences and perspectives. Your professional life and vocational service go together. Rotarians have a dual responsibility: to represent their occupations within their club and to exemplify the ideals of Rotary in their places of work.
Founded as a business networking organization, Rotary emphasizes the importance of bringing together business and professional leaders for the purposes of exchanging ideas, developing relationships, and improving communities. Rotary members are committed to professional development and advancing their skills. Rotarians can pursue this commitment through activities that increase their knowledge, and by guiding and training others to find gainful, fulfilling employment.
Members of the Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club Vocational Committee seek to foster these objectives by recognizing those in our community that epitomize high ethical standards and mentoring high school students in the two High School Interact clubs we sponsor.
Annually, we recognize the Vocational Hero's in our community (see 2023 recipients story). The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club also offers scholarship opportunities to the graduating seniors of the Interact Clubs of Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School. The graduating seniors in those clubs can apply for a scholarship by completing the online Scholarship Application.
Vocational Committee News
These Scholarships are for qualified class seniors from the DLCRC sponsored Interact Clubs at Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School.
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Interact Club members can connect with leaders in our community and around the world to:
  • Take action to make a difference in your school and community
  • Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
  • Become a leader in your school and community
  • Have fun and make new friends from around the world
Interact clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. As sponsors DLCRC Rotarians mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.
The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club is also offering Scholarship Opportunities for the Senior Class members of the two high schools where the clubs sponsor Interact Clubs; Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School. The Denton Lake Cities Rotary Club has been providing scholarship awards to graduating Seniors for years. We have given in excess $117,000 in awards over the past 13 plus years. The Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club Vocation Committee members perform extensive work and effort to select the deserving students. The funds for these scholarships come primarily from Denton-Lakes Cities Rotary Club Flag program.
Graduating Senior Class members of the Lake Dallas High School and Fred Moore High School can apply for the scholarships to be awarded at the Spring graduation ceremonies for each school. The club will also be awarding scholarships to selected graduating seniors at the Fall ceremonies. To apply for these scholarships, Interact Club member graduates from Fred Moore and Lake Dallas High Schools must obtain two letters of recommendation and complete the online application form by clicking here.
Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club
Since 1981 the Denton- Lake Cities Rotary Club has recognized leading Denton and Lake City’s residents for their contribution to our community and service district through their chosen vocation.
Every year the Denton - Lake Cities Rotary Club considers a group of distinguished community members who have been nominated by fellow Rotarians. These vocations categories include: Education, Community Services, Frontline and Local Entrepreneurs.  Multiple recognitions are encouraged in each category.
As a charitable organization comprised of members representing their respective professions, it is a privilege to recognize those individuals who have distinguished themselves within the professional community.
Criteria for Award
The standards the Denton-Lake Cities Rotary Club uses to determine those nominated for awards are the Rotary 4 Way Test and the Rotary Creed. The 4 Way Test is comprised of 4 questions we ask ourselves when making decisions in business and in life.  They are: “Is it the truth?  Is it fair for all concerned?  Will it build good will and better friendships?  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”  The Rotary Creed is “Service Above Self”.
Nominees for this Award should be outstanding individuals in their profession who have made a significant contribution to their community and/or vocation over a significant period of time.
  • Service-Above-Self nature of the nominee’s activities
  • The good character of the nominee (Truthful)
  • Professional regard in which the nominee is held in their vocation (Fair to all Concerned)
  • The regard in which the nominee is held in the community (Build Goodwill and Better Friendships)
  • The community value and the positive public relation effort on the vocation and the individual resulting from the nomination (Beneficial to all Concerned)
Evaluation and Selection Process
Due diligence will be carried out discreetly on all nominees by the vocational service awards committee. Nominators will be contacted to obtain additional information as needed and to confirm receipt of the nomination.
The Service and Awards Committee will make their recommendations to the Club Board for final approval prior to any announcements. Board will have final approval of any selections.
Vocational Service Awards Recipients shall receive a personalized framed certificate containing specific details regarding the nomination.  Nominees must agree to attend a Club meeting to receive the award. Nominees who meet the criteria may be rolled into the next rotary year if they are unable to accept the award during the current year.